Move in Early 2022

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Step into a neighbourhood of authentic charm and understated community, where some of the best shops and restaurants in the city still feel local enough to give the impression that you’re discovering a hidden gem upon every visit.

Home is the place where you live – but it can also be so much more. It is set out to create a fully realized vision of modern urban living, where you feel the freedom to find your place, put down roots, and truly become a part of the community.
Frequently Asked Questions
In a condominium, the building must go through a statutory process called Registration of the Declaration, which creates the Condominium Corporation. At this time, ownership of the common elements are transferred to the Condominium Corporation.
Interim occupancy occurs, prior to condominium registration, when the building is substantially complete. A homeowner pays the developer a monthly interim occupancy fee until the final closing occurs. Your lawyer will receive a document package with the fee amount approximately 2 weeks prior to your occupancy date.
The Final Closing occurs subsequently, when the condominium declaration is registered and title to the condominium unit is transferred into the homeowner’s name. Then the homeowner’s mortgage can be registered and the payments of common expenses commence.
Before final closing, there is no advertising permitted for leasing during occupancy with the exception of the exclusive listing brokerage, Skylette Marketing Realty Inc. You may retain any Agent if they are using a private network to lease the unit during the occupancy period and are not advertising the lease. After final closing, there is no restriction on advertising and you and/or your Agent may select any advertising method you wish to lease your unit.
Refer to your agreement of purchase and sale for all terms, fees, lawyer’s contact information. Please note, there is a rental application processing fee in the occupancy period payable to Great Gulf (the Builder) lawyer’s office ($500+HST). After final closing (when you receive title to the unit), this fee does not apply.
If you have secured a Tenant, please have your lawyer contact Great Gulf (the Builder) lawyer to initiate the leasing process.
Before final closing, there is no advertising permitted for assignments with the exception of the exclusive listing brokerage, Skylette Marketing Realty Inc. You may retain any Agent if they are using a private network to assign the unit during the occupancy period and are not advertising the assignment. After final closing, there is no restriction on advertising and you and/or your Agent may select any advertising method you wish to sell your unit.
If you have secured an Assignee, please contact us to initiate the assignment process.